Thursday, 16 August 2012

Letter To My 18 Year Old Self

Dear My Eighteen Year Old Self  

Hey! How are things? Well I know how things are, pretty all over the place right now. You've finished school, dropped out of college and you haven't a clue who you are, what you want, where you want to be, where you want to go. My advice is worthless because I know how head-strong you are. But you will still be head-strong at 25 so here is the advice:

  • You will NOT always be able to eat what you like and not gain weight. Your metabolism is lightning fast now but it is going to slow down. Trust me. 
  • You don't look good in red.
  • STOP SMOKING. Yeah yeah you enjoy it, it's 'cool', but you will have a VERY tough time trying to quit at 24. Imagine the money you could save! QUIT! 
  • Be a more careful driver.
  • Cut down on the boozing, you can't afford it. 
  • STOP TAKING OUT LOANS! When you finally find your feet, you'll have to knuckle down and pay these loans back, believe it or not! You'll still owe 5 figures at 25. And your wages will be cut and slashed every January. Believe it. 
  • Get your wisdom teeth out the minute you feel pain.
  • There will be a recession in 2008. You will regret this lifestyle.
  • You'll 'fall in love' with a bad boy this year. He'll f*ck off with his ex. You'll cry. This will affect all of your future relationships. DON'T FALL FOR THE BAD BOY!
  • Your dad isn't as bad as you think he is. His 'ways' will teach you that you can be self-sufficient.
  • Your friends will turn on you because of your loyalty. They were never true friends. 
  • If you're not happy within a situation, get the Hell out. This applies to everything.
  • Your mam is the BEST person in the world. You won't realise this for another couple of years. You will regret what you've put her through.

I know these points will not make one blind bit of difference, because I know you don't give a f*ck.


Your 25 year old self.


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